OK, don't panic. We'll help you find it.

First, let's do a few checks:

  • Please check that you're signed in and also that you're logged into the right account. (Our app and website takes you directly to Clips after you select your interface and course language and will prompt you to start from Lesson 1 if you're not logged in) 
  • Please check that you're in the right language course (especially if you're logging in to a new device / platform for the first time)
  • If you're using the mobile app, make sure you have the latest version of FluenDay. Do a progress backup and wait for the success message. Your progress and other data should be restored.

If neither of the above help, and you are a FluenDay member, please contact us via the in-app "Contact Us" link (Me>>Contact Us) or at support@fluenday.com. Use "my progress/data is missing" as the subject line, and please include the following information: 

  • your FluenDay account email
  • the section (Clips / Courses etc.) where you need your progress to be restored
  • the lesson / module you need your progress to be restored up to

We will restore your progress and/or data by the next business day.