AI Tutor lets you do context specific dialogue practice with an AI conversation partner. 

It's a great way to practice your speaking skills, so don't be shy! 

Best of all, you can go into each of the topics for every unit as many times as you like, and never have the same conversation! AI Tutor talks to you like real person, helping you cover all the different possibilities a conversation might take. You're completely in charge of the dialogue, so for each scenario, have a go at trying different responses or leading the conversation in a different direction. 


(Currently available for members learning English. May not be available for all interface/display languages. We are currently working hard to make AI Tutor available in more languages soon.)

Read on for a brief user guide and some tips for getting the most out of your practice sessions

Getting Started

1. Start by selecting a topic that appeals to you. The topics are ordered loosely by level of difficulty, but you can start anywhere you like.

2. Once you click into a topic, you’ll be given a prompt that sets up the background of your conversation.

3. You’ll also be given a list of useful expressions to help start you off

Where to Go for Hints  

If you’re ever stuck, you can show translations and get hints to keep the conversation going. 

Ending the Conversation

Generally, a conversation with AI Tutor will usually last for about 10 rounds.

In other words, both you and the AI Tutor will say around 10 sentences (more or less, anyway...)

If you want to end the conversation at any point, simply say

"goodbye" or "see you later" (or other words to that effect)


At the end of your conversation, the AI Tutor will provide you with personalized feedback.

1. You will receive overall feedback for the
whole conversation, telling you whether the
speaking skills you showed were
- "Excellent"
- "A good attempt"
- "Need more work"
You can also see how many sentences
you contributed to the dialogue

2. You will also receive feedback
for each individual response.
Where appropriate, the AI Tutor will also give you suggestions on how to improve,                         
so you can organically build your vocab                         
and develop more sophisticated conversation skills. 

Checking Your Stats and Learning Record


You can check your learning record in 2 ways

Option A:

- In the AI Tutor homescreen, click on the

  "clock" icon in the top right hand corner

- You will see the no. of past conversations that were

  "Excellent", "A good attempt" and "Needs more work"

  (note that all attempts for each topic will be counted)

- Every conversation you've had with the AI Tutor will 

  also be listed in reverse chronological order

Option B:

- After selecting a topic, click on the

  "clock" icon in the top right hand corner

- You will see every conversation for this topic listed in 

  reverse chronological order (newest first)

For both Option A and Option B, the first item you will see is your AI Credits balance. This shows:

(no. of AI Credits used)/(total AI credits for this month)

Reading Back Through Past Conversations

To see what you said in previous dialogues, and to review the feedback again, 

click into the conversation through your learning records
